

OncoPay is a Radiation Clinic Revenue management platform that is designed and developed by Quantumz specifically for Oncology Clinics to automate their complex revenue and radiation treatment cycle. This platform was built in collaboration with Sr. Directors and VP's of McKesson Inc. to deploy at Texas Oncology and other Oncology locations. It is a SaaS based Clinic Management cum Revenue management system dedicated for Oncology clinics. Having a disruptive algorithm to control the changing revenue schedules and auto adjustments, this system takes away the pain of operational cost and human error. OncoPay has multiple hierarchical roles with a solid HIPAA compliant architecture to ensure ePHI protection and protocols.


The challenge faced by many of these Oncology Clinics is to automate their operations and specially the revenue collection. Because of the irregular nature of Oncology treatment this was hard to be managed through conventional system and an automated approach.


Quantumz discovered this problem early on and started creating this solution for multiple of these Oncology Radiation Clinics. One of the biggest challenges in building this system was extensive R&D and study of the existing operational procedures at Texas Oncology for Radiation Clinics and to navigate all their procedures smoothly to this automated solution.


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